- Being a forum for discussing issues of interest to social justice.
- Introduction to alternate perspectives (dominant discourses, power/privilege), spread to as wide an audience as possible, in terms they will understand. Particular focus on youth and newcomers to UBC.
- Making sure the paper still has something for everyone: Various levels of education, diff. kinds of students (grad students, int’l, older, queer, minorities, and non-students), and diverse areas of interest.
- Inclusivity
- Diversity of content/presentation
- Good layout (easily accessible and inviting to the eyes; only appropriate/hi-quality. pictures)
- Statement on poster... "The Knoll is a student newspaper dedicated to progressive values supportive of activism, open-minds, critical thinking and radical perspectives. We are anti-war, anti-corporatization, pro-equality, pro-sustainability and pro-fun!"
- Commitment to reason. Regularly featuring pieces devoted to encouraging critical thinking. Requirement for clarity of definitions/justifying claims if needed.
- Prioritizing regular articles encouraging students to develop confidence in their own ability to think for themselves; help them develop “tools for intellectual self defense”[a Chomsky quote] to resist indoctrination. [detailed explanation exists in appendix to statement of principles]
- Consensus decision-making on content selection for the newspaper, within the framework of this mission statement.
We are against:
- Preaching to the choir. Resources should be maximized by spreading new ideas to as wide an audience as possible.
- Unsubstantiated claims
- Dogma