July 13th: The Vancouver-based anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters “tweets” the following under #OCCUPYWALLSTREET: “Are you ready for a Tahrir moment?/On Sept 17th flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street”
September 17th: Roughly 1,000 demonstrators march through the streets of New York and begin to set up
September 24th: Occupy Chicago
September 27th: A small group of SFU students occupy the offices of the SFU Student Society in protest of the now settled lockout of CUPE workers
September 30th: Occupy Boston
October 2nd: Over 700 arrested on a march over the Brooklyn Bridge

October 5th: Solidarity march draws over 15,000 to Lower Manhattan
October 8th: First General Assembly of Occupy Vancouver
October 15th: Hundreds of cities begin their own “occupations.” 4,000 people show up to Occupy Vancouver, making it the largest Occupy event in Canada
October 16th: Occupy Albuquerque changes its name to (un)Occupy Albuquerque to connect the movement to issues surrounding indigenous land rights
October 25th: Occupy Capilano University hosts a day-long event with speakers and discussion
October 30th: Global “Robin Hood” March for a tax on financial transactions and currency trading: approximately 300 march through downtown
November 2nd: In the first general strike in the United States since 1946, over 20,000 protesters manage to shut down the Port of Oakland; 70 students stage a walkout during an introductory Economics class at Harvard
November 5th: Ashlie Gough found dead at Occupy Vancouver
November 6th: Students from UBC, SFU and Capilano meet as part of Occupy Education
November 7th: Small skirmish with police over a small fire on Occupy Vancouver site; Occupy UBC holds its first meeting
November 8th: City of Vancouver approaches the B.C. Supreme Court for an injunction to close down the tent city
November 10th: Riot police are deployed to quell a large protest at McGill University against rising tuition following a march by thousands through the streets of Montreal.
November 12th: 150 demonstrators march for affordable housing in Vancouver
November 15th: In the early hours of the morning, police move to evict Occupy Wall Street, dismantling the Occupy library with its 5,000-plus books, and destroying many valuable equipment and personal possessions.